
Hello and welcome!

Growing up in Jersey, smack dab in the middle of the Channel Islands, I had the best backyard ever: the beach, waves, and all the cool creatures that call our coast home. It's no surprise that I fell head over heels for photography.

Sure, I might call myself an amateur, but my heart's all in. Every shot is a piece of a story, from sunlight peeking through trees to those unreal sunsets we get in Jersey. The world's packed with awesome sights, and even if the Channel Islands are my top spot, I've been catching snapshots from all over.

Wherever I go, my trusty camera's with me, ready to grab any cool moment that comes my way.

This website? It's a little window into my world. Through these pics, I hope you get not just the beauty but the feels behind them. Thanks for tagging along on this adventure. Hope you enjoy the views as much as I do!



